Our Stories

Mom, Dad, kids all go to Christel House!

All the members of one Indianapolis family share a special relationship with Christel House. Two kids have graduated from Christel House, a third is set to graduate next year, and their mother earned a diploma from Christel House DORS, the adult high school. “My husband supports me a lot,” says Jaimy, “and when he saw that I had done it, he decided to enjoy school, too.”

Jaimy discovered DORS while picking up her children after school.  “I would see flyers about Christel House DORS and decided to enroll.” While she initially returned to school to learn English, the teachers at DORS encouraged her to continue with courses to put her on a path to graduating with a diploma. She admits it was a challenge, but the flexible class schedules the adult high school offers made it possible. “I met new friends and had good teachers,” she says. “My favorite part of school was having the opportunity to take a welding class. I was so scared to attend the welding class at first, but I am glad that my teacher enrolled me.” Graduation has given Jaimy a new level of confidence in her work at a local restoration company. “I continue to move forward in my job,” she says. Her husband, Omar, continues his studies at DORS, and Jaimy says sometimes it’s a family affair. “He will sometimes ask our kids for help with his homework and our kids help answer his questions.” She says the family’s Christel House experience has been excellent and offers advice to adults thinking about getting their diploma. “I know it’s not easy to go back to school especially if English is not your first language,” she says. “But it feels satisfying when you know you did it and can prove to your family that you didn’t waste your time.”      

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