Our Difference

Addressing the root causes of poverty through a holistic human development model

Christel House prepares graduates to achieve upward economic mobility, demonstrate good citizenship, and become empowered to identify and realize their goals, dreams, and human potential.

- Christel House's Mission

Christel House embodies the philosophy of 12th Century Philosopher, Maimonides—“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Our Outcomes:

  • Our graduates have the dignity, comportment, values, skills and abilities to make a positive contribution to society
  • Our students stay in school, graduate, continue their studies and gain employment
  • Our commitment to students is often 18 years or more—from kindergarten to career
  • Our model creates a “multiplier effect,” as once the cycle of poverty is broken, all future generations benefit
Christel House's overhead and fundraising costs are funded annually through a charitable grant from Endless Success Foundation, a private foundation established by our Founder. That means 100% of your donation will be used to directly support programs and services for Christel House students.