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New teachers discover Christel House difference

Carolyn Small, Kristof Kendrick, and Felicia Smith (above) are the newest members of the Christel House Indianapolis – Academy West team. All three have experience in schools and chose Christel House. Kristof, Grade 7 English Language Arts teacher, says Christel House is different. “The discipline here is better, the culture is better, and the ability to teach is much better.”

Carolyn, 6th grade math and science teacher, agrees. “It’s been great for me. You could have a problem and before you have to solve it, the answer is there – from our principal, Eric Parquet, the staff, and all the teachers – it’s really from A to Z. The support is amazing.”  Felicia teaches K-4 Special Education classes. She says meeting students and their parents during home visits, something she had not done at her previous schools, is another way Christel House is making a difference. “We meet them at a setting that’s different than inside the school,” she says. “The interactions, the connectivity – it’s a game changer.” The relationship between teacher and student changes, in a positive way, when kids see their teacher outside the classroom says Carolyn. “It’s a connection like no other.” While computers and tablets offer wonderful learning opportunities for the students, the teachers say technology also brings challenges. “It’s keeping students focused,” says Kristof, “understanding why we teach and why they need it – not only to go on to eighth grade, but for their life.” The teachers enjoy connecting with their students. “To be able to teach, you get to do something different every day to engage them,” says Kristof. “That’s the best part.”

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