Our Stories

A beach day by the sea - "We were awestruck!"

I never imagined that I would get an opportunity to travel by train with my friends, stay in a luxury resort, and play in the beach sands of Goa,” says Shwetha R., Grade 9. Over four magical days, 60 Christel House India – Bangalore students experienced a special holiday experience thanks to John Spence and the Karma Group.

“The trip was a special one for our students as many of them have never traveled by train or stepped foot outside of the city,” says Thomas Joseph, Music Teacher and chaperone. “It’s a highly rewarding and impactful experience since they have limited exposure to the outside world due to financial constraints.” Mini M. compared the trip to Alice in Wonderland. “We have always seen such places virtually but have never been to one. And just like Alice was awestruck seeing Wonderland, we too were awestruck!” This is the 18th year Karma Group has hosted Christel House India students to Camp Royal. For chaperone Mr. Joseph, he sees a renewed motivation among the kids to work harder and do well in life so they can share such experiences again with their families. “The trip also teaches the students valuable lessons in appreciation.” Hemanth R. agrees. “I would like to thank the staff at Karma from the bottom of my heart.” Mini M. also adds her gratitude to the Karma Group. “Your thoughtfulness is a gift we will always treasure.”          

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