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Guests take trip of a lifetime to Christel House India

Christel House supporters traveled to meet students at the Bangalore and Naya Raipur learning centers. Donors toured classrooms and had lunch with students. In addition to seeing the schools, they traveled into impoverished neighborhoods to better understand the daily challenges the children face. Julie Fenster, General Counsel at Vibrant Media says that the trip was both a joy and an education. “Seeing the pride and confidence of the students juxtaposed with the harsh reality of their living conditions gave me a deep appreciation for the commitment and compassion Christel House teachers and staff have for the children,” she said. “By spending time with students and graduates, I saw firsthand the powerful transformation that is taking place in these precious lives through their experience at Christel House. I also enjoyed the camaraderie of my fellow travelers as we experienced the culture and historic sights of India. ”

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