Vision tests lead to new glasses for students

Imagine being a 6-year-old in a classroom, eager to learn but unable to see what’s written on the board. For many children in the communities served by Christel House South Africa, this is a harsh reality—often because their eyesight is never fully tested.

Christel House knows that good vision is key to academic success. While Christel House regularly conducts eye screenings for their learners, this year in South Africa, Forvis Mazars South Africa and the African Eye Institute provided all Christel House South Africa students with comprehensive eye tests – and today 139 learners have received glasses to correct their vision.

South Africa celebrated Eye Care Awareness Month and highlighted the importance of eye health and preventing avoidable blindness. CHSA understands how critical it is to remove barriers to learning for their students.

Following the eye screening tests, one student, Ashlin A., a bright Grade 1 learner, was referred to the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital for further care after eye damage was detected during her screening. With that early detection, Ashlin will receive the necessary treatment to improve her vision. She is very grateful for the care. “Now I can finally see the board and follow along in class,” said Ashlin.